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‘Why did the bodies have to pile high?’ Covid bereaved 10 questions for Boris Johnson

Ten bereaved relatives propose ten questions for Boris Johnson when he appears at the Covid inquiry. Visit our live blog for the latest.

Families whose relatives died from Covid are challenging Boris Johnson for answers over his handling of the pandemic.

As the former prime minister prepares to give evidence to the Covid inquiry on Wednesday, ten relatives are asking 10 questions that go to the heart of how he responded to the crisis.

Mr Johnson will give evidence over two days at Lady Hallett’s inquiry in Paddington, west London, when he is expected to apologise for mistakes made on his watch and offer his own recommendations for how the Government should respond to the next pandemic.

But these 10 relatives – whose loved ones were just a tiny fraction of the 233,225 people who have so far died from Covid since February 2020 – hope that in the more than 10 hours of testimony Mr Johnson will be able to shed some light on whether lives could have been saved in those chaotic early weeks.

They hope inquiry counsel Hugo Keith KC will include the following questions as he faces Mr Johnson in the two-day hearing:

Howard Flintham

Susie Crozier-Flintham with her dad Howard who died of Covid in March 2020
Susie Crozier-Flintham with her dad Howard who died of Covid in March 2020 (Photo: Susie Crozier-Flintham)

Susie Flintham, who lost her father Howard in March 2020, asks: “Why did Johnson behave so cavalierly when news of Covid first struck, including ‘laughing at the Italians’ and joking that ‘we were going to be great at Covid’ instead of focusing on measures to contain the virus, as reported by Helen MacNamara?”

Former deputy cabinet secretary Ms MacNamara earlier told the inquiry that the then-PM and his team seemed overly confident, in early meetings in February 2020, that the UK would be able to handle the virus. So did this overconfidence lead to complacency about what measures were needed, and how urgently?

Michael Gottlieb

Rivka Gottlieb, centre, with her daughter and father, Michael
Rivka Gottlieb, centre, with her daughter and father, Michael (Photo: Rivka Gottlieb)

Rivka Gottlieb, who lost her father Michael in April 2020, asks: “Why did Johnson offer to infect himself with Covid on TV to ‘demonstrate that it did not pose a threat’ and ask Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty if it was possible to use a hairdryer to kill coronavirus, based on a YouTube video that he’d seen? As claimed by Dominic Cummings and his chief of staff at the time Lord Edward Udny-Lister.”

This evidence has also contributed to the sense that the then PM did not take the virus seriously early on in the crisis.

Vincent Marzello

LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 30: Families of people who died of Covid, including Lorelei King, holding a picture of her late husband Vincent Marzello, stand outside the covid inquiry on November 30, 2023 in London, England. The UK's former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care will be questioned at phase 2 of the Covid-19 Inquiry over decision-making in Downing Street during the pandemic. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Lorelei King, holding a picture of her late husband Vincent Marzello, stand outside the Covid inquiry
(Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty)

Lorelei King, who lost her husband Vince in March 2020, asks: “Why were we so late to lockdown in March 2020? Experts have suggested this decision cost tens of thousands of lives?”

Several witnesses, including former health secretary Matt Hancock, chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty, ex-chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance and former deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, have all told the inquiry that lockdown should have been introduced earlier than 23 March, so why didn’t Mr Johnson move more quickly?

Stuart Goodman

Jo Goodman and her dad
Jo Goodman and her father Stuart who died in April 2020

Jo Goodman, who lost her father Stuart in April 2020, asks: “Why does he appear to have been happy to let the elderly and vulnerable die?”

In some of the most shocking evidence the inquiry has heard so far, Mr Johnson – according to the daily diaries of Sir Patrick Vallance – said in October 2020, amid a debate in government about a second lockdown, that people vulnerable to the virus “have had a good innings” and “most people who die have reached their time anyway”.

Did this apparently callous attitude towards the vulnerable affect Mr Johnson’s policymaking?

Dilys Brewer

Helen Brewer, left, who lost her mum Dilys, right

Helen Brewer, who lost her mother Dilys in April 2020, asks: “Did he say that he wanted to ‘let the bodies pile high’?

Mr Johnson has previously denied saying this, but it has been confirmed by Lord Lister to the inquiry, and the former prime minister is almost certain to be asked whether he said this and why.

The comment was made in the run-up to a second lockdown and apparently shows how the then-PM was resistant to further measures.

Christina Fulop

Naomi Fulop, left, who lost her mum Christina, right

Naomi Fulop, who lost her mother Christina, in January 2021, asks: “Why did he repeat so many of the mistakes made in the first wave, leading to an even higher death toll in the second wave?”

This question also goes to the heart of Mr Johnson’s handling of a second and third lockdown.

The inquiry has been told of chaos inside the top of government as cases began to rise in early autumn 2020.

Scientists were advising the then-PM to impose a short, sharp “circuit breaker” to reduce the spread of the virus in September or October 2020, which some experts have argued would have taken the heat out of the second wave.

In the end, the second lockdown came that November, when hospital admissions were already putting immense pressure on the NHS.

When the Alpha variant emerged in the December, the rise in cases and patients piled even more pressure on to an overwhelmed health service, and the death toll from Covid in January 2021 was even higher than the first peak.

Peter Kummer

Becky Kummer, left, who lost her dad Peter

Becky Kummer, who lost her dad Peter in April 2020, asks: “Did his Government miss the opportunity to prepare for the pandemic because it was too focused on Brexit?”

In its first set of hearings in June this year, the inquiry has heard evidence that the attention of the civil service was focused on preparing for a no-deal Brexit in the two years before the virus struck, and less time on planning for a pandemic.

While Mr Johnson did not become prime minister until July 2019, the inquiry has been told that a lot of the focus of his government in January 2020, when cases of a novel coronavirus were emerging from Wuhan, China, was on the run-up to the moment when the UK finally left the EU, on 31 January.

Sylvia Doyle

Deborah Doyle, left, who lost her mum Sylvia, right

Deborah Doyle, who lost her mother Sylvia in April 2020, asks: “Considering the shockingly high death toll in the second wave, does he now think the refusing to meet with bereaved families after the first wave, not responding to their letters and rejecting their request for a ‘rapid review’ to learn lessons ahead of the second wave was a mistake?”

This question also suggests that Mr Johnson has been less than sympathetic towards those who have lost loved ones from Covid. Did this attitude contribute to a lack of care in his decisions and policies?

Sylvia Jackson

Lyndsay Jackson, left, who lost her mum Sylvia

Lindsay Jackson, who lost her mother Sylvia in April 2020, asks: “Is it true that he only kept Matt Hancock in place so he could be a ‘the sacrifice for the inquiry’?”

This claim was made by Mr Cummings in his evidence to the inquiry, who said this was one of Mr Johnson’s “very worst and most unforgivable decisions”.

Mr Cummings said that the then-PM believed Mr Hancock was doing a “terrible job” as health secretary, and alleged that if he had been sacked, “rapid testing would have been smoother, planning would have been more honest and effective, and thousands would have survived”. In his own evidence, Mr Hancock has rejected Mr Cummings’ assertions. But did Mr Johnson’s failure to sack his health secretary affect the response to the pandemic?

Ian Fowler

Matt Fowler, left, who lost his dad, Ian, right

Matt Fowler, who lost his father Ian in April 2020, asks: “Why did he allow an ‘egotistical and macho’ culture to thrive in No 10, which means issues like ‘football and shooting’ were prioritised over ‘domestic violence and pregnant women’ as Helen MacNamara claimed.”

This evidence from Ms McNamara suggests that the priorities of Mr Johnson’s government were not focused on the more vulnerable people in society, whom studies have shown were disproportionately more likely to die from Covid. Could a different approach have saved lives?

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