Toasted and dripping in butter, seeded and avocado-topped or folded together with ham and cheese – however you eat your bread, it’s a staple in all of our diets.
But despite how delicious, comforting and familiar it is, bread has got a bad reputation of late. Many of the loaves we pick up in the supermarket are a form of ultra-processed food (UPF) and our reliance on factory-made bread means it’s the most commonly-consumed UPF in our diet.
For those looking to cut down on UPF, you might think bread should be the first thing to go. However, bread can be a brilliant source of fibre, wholegrain and even protein – you just need to know how to shop for it.
We’ve asked nutritionists and dietitians for their take on what makes a healthy loaf and what to avoid.
“I eat two slices of supermarket bread a day and like Tesco sourdough”
Nichola Ludlam-Raine, specialist registered dietitian and author of forthcoming book How Not To Eat Ultra-Processed (published in July)
“While home-made food is glamourised, as a busy working mum, I do buy ready-made bread – though I am planning on getting a bread maker.
“Not all supermarket bread is inherently ‘bad’ or ultra-processed. While many supermarket breads contain additives and preservatives to enhance shelf life and texture, there are options available that prioritise whole ingredients (although food additives are deemed safe by regulatory bodies). These nutritious breads also don’t have to be expensive – take Aldi’s emulsifier-free wholemeal bread, which is cost-friendly and doesn’t have a long ingredients list.
“I look for store brands or local bakery options that offer wholegrain or wholewheat breads with minimal ingredients. I tend to buy Tesco sourdough or Jason’s sourdough bread – ideally the wholegrain versions. They have fewer additives and preservatives compared to other brands. I’ll eat at least one or two slices a day, usually for lunch topped with avocado and eggs, but I’ll also eat it for my breakfast topped with nut butter, banana and honey.
“For those aiming to maintain a balanced diet, incorporating wholegrain supermarket bread a few times a week can be part of a healthy eating plan. The key is variety and ensuring that bread is part of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and other whole foods. It’s all about finding a balance and making informed choices, given your constraints and situation.”
“I buy Hovis wholemeal sliced”
Helen Bond, dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association

“Mass-produced packaged breads are classified as an ultra-processed food according to the Nova classification and so are getting a bad rap at the moment. But there are issues with the classification of UPFs and not all have the same health effects. A supermarket wholemeal or seeded loaf is still an essential item in my family’s weekly shopping basket.
“Typically, I go for a wholemeal standard sliced loaf such as Hovis Wholemeal – it’s high in fibre and only £1.39. A couple of slices give just over 5g of fibre, which helps me hit the target of 30g a day, plus 8g protein, good for muscle repair after my morning workout. I also buy the Modern Baker Superloaf (available from supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s, Ocado and Morrison’s). It’s more expensive than budget supermarket loaves, but considerably cheaper than artisan bread and provides an impressive, unique combination of fibres – soluble, insoluble and fermentable, so great for gut health and digestion. That’s along with chia seeds and golden linseeds, good for cholesterol, and copper and manganese, for immunity. It also has fewer calories and salt than many other breads.
“When I have a few extra pennies, I buy local seeded sourdough in our village. And when I have more time on my hands, I like to make my own bread in my Aga. It’s relaxing and fills the house with the smell of freshly-baked bread, but importantly it gives me complete control over the ingredients that go into the bread dough – not only those that we all want to reduce in our diets, such as sugar and salt, but those that we want to have more of, such as seeds and grains.
“When buying bread, I avoid low fibre, white bread and those with red traffic light labels or long lists of ingredients.”
“I eat grains over bread – but pumpernickel is my go-to”
Rohini Bajekal, nutritionist and co-author of Living PCOS Free
“Bread is not an everyday staple in my home as I like to rotate whole grains, such as oats, rice and quinoa more regularly. On occasion, I do love sourdough baked by my local bakery. German dark rye bread is also a great option – pumpernickel is my go-to. I love to pair this with avocado and some tomatoes, rocket salad and sprouts as an open sandwich.”
“I always check the label for fibre content”
Rhiannon Lambert, leading nutritionist and author of The Science of Plant-Based Nutrition

“With two young children and a busy household, buying bread from the supermarket is a practical solution for us as a family and we all enjoy it regularly. Supermarket bread shouldn’t be frowned upon or demonised and it is absolutely part of a healthy, balanced diet. There are many good options available that can fit well into a healthy diet; you just need to be aware of how to look for those.
I’m not loyal to any particular bread brand and regularly change up my bread, opting for sourdough, seeded or rye, as variety in our diet is really important for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. One of the the key things I look for on bread labels is fibre – I aim for anything above 6g per 100g – and I also opt for loaves that contain added seeds for increased protein and plant points. We should all be aiming for 30 different plants a week, and seeds found in bread count towards this goal.”
“I love bread and choose Tesco Finest”
Sue Baic, nutritionist and author of Travelling Light: 50 bite-size tips for avoiding weight gain on a cruise vacation
“I’m a big fan of bread – it’s a staple in my diet and I usually eat three slices a day. I look for two things when choosing it: firstly a good source of dietary fibre – we need around 30g a day, and secondly a mix of some different plant foods. For optimum gut health we should be getting around 30 different plant foods per week so I try to find a bread which has some seeds and grains (such as rye and barley) in addition to wheat.
I often choose Tesco Finest Wholemeal Seeds and Grains Loaf which has wheat, barley, poppy , sunflower and pumpkin seeds and some others in small amounts. This has 2.8 g fibre per slice. It also tastes great and is a reasonable price (£1.30 for a 800g loaf). I also like Hovis Granary Wholemeal which has 3g fibre per slice but no seeds and is a little bit more expensive ( £1.85 for 800g). I always go for breads made with wholemeal flour rather than just multi seeded or normal granary to get the double benefit.”