Rachel Parris is known nowadays as a political comedian, thanks to her stints on topical TV shows The Mash Report and Late Night Mash, where she poked fun at public figures in ferocious monologues. Her last live show, All Change Please, embraced this, tearing apart the UK’s pandemic-era prime minister and his hapless Cabinet. “Most of you are here to see me slag off the Tories,” she acknowledged in last night’s show and while, yes, there was plenty of that, Poise is as personal as it’s political.
Parris is turning 40 and that’s prompted reflection. In a return to her musical comedy roots, she made light of this with her opening song, a miscellany of questions from the existential (“What is the point?”) to the everyday (“Is custard liquid?”), all delivered in the ironically perky perma-grinning character that played so well on Mash. She looked back to her mid-thirties, when she publicly rejected the heteronormative idea of success: house, husband, children. Oops – that’s exactly what she’s ended up with.

She balanced a jokey self-satisfaction with moments of self-deprecation; she has a local butcher, sure, but he can’t remember her name. There was a neat joke here about her butcher’s refusal to believe Stacey Solomon isn’t a comedian, and the ongoing lack of female comedians on TV panel shows.
She discussed the cancellation of Mash, first from the BBC, then DAVE (“That one really hurt”), speculating whether it was due to her left-leaning politics. She feinted an attempt at impartiality in a fun bit about Rishi Sunak, and revealed a solid Liz Truss impression in a political take on “Candle in the Wind” (“Goodbye lettuce Liz…”).
Yet, as she approaches 40, Parris told us, she’s less certain about her own views. She’s trying to combat it with – as the title suggests – poise and wisdom, or at least the illusion. She recounted fake idioms she’s used to impress her adult stepchildren, and later some calming mantras that tread similar ground.
Parris is at her best with excoriating feminist routines performed with barely suppressed rage. A couple of Poise’s songs picked up that mantle. She had the crowd collaborate on one about what women want, pouring scorn on the supposition that all women are the same, and rounded out the show with a riff on Bond theme songs, addressing the impossible standards Bond girls portray. “She’s strong but thin… she’s crying but neatly.” They’re righteous – they’re right – but perhaps lack the fire Parris is capable of when tackling meatier topics.
On the personal front, Parris talked about motherhood. Her perky, best-foot-forward persona reappeared for a solid routine about her son’s development being assessed, her “maniacal” desire to prove he’s clever providing satisfying laughs: “Where’s your neck, darling? Show the lady your neck!”
We skimmed the surface of marriage, anxiety and major life events, reaching an a cappella folk song rebuking the real idiom “Life begins at 40”. There was the potential for great emotional heft here that a deeper foray into the personal in the build-up might have helped deliver.
Parris is a polished performer with huge musical talent. You’re in safe hands with her light buffet of political songs, relatable feminism and animated observation.
Touring to 20 October (rachelontour.com)