I joined the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at my son’s school a year ago, and the reaction of friends when I tell them never fails to amuse me. It’s almost always a negative response: laughter and groans, followed by concern about how on earth I cope with those mums. I blame the show Motherland for this attitude, plus a side of good old-fashioned sexism.
If you’ve never watched the programme, let me give you a brief synopsis: it’s a sitcom following the trials and tribulations of middle-class parenting in London. Well, to be more specific, it’s about white middle-class parenting, with a focus on the mums (note to the BBC – can we have more working-class family sitcoms please?).
It took me a while to get round to watching it, but when I eventually did, it made me smile a couple of times and I loved Tanya Moodie in it. (Nothing quite like a sprinkle of diversity in a show based in London – one of the most diverse cities in the country. Anyway, I digress.)
This is one of many popular programmes that love taking the mickey out of the women on PTAs, and it’s had quite the impact on the way many people view them.
I can’t lie to you – I had no real understanding of what the PTA even was until my eldest started school. My perception was shaped by programmes such as Motherland – to me, it was just this annoying group of stay-at-home mums, high on school power, neglected by their useless husbands, raising money for what I don’t know.
And then Alfie started school and I came to learn what the PTA is actually about: raising funds for schools, in order for the school to pay for the extra things and facilities they may need in order improve the education of children. (I would love to talk further about schools and funding, but we’re in the middle of election period, so in my role as a broadcast journalist I can’t.)
But the biggest shock to me was that PTAs are often legal charities, so raising the money is a serious thing. I also didn’t realise that all those amazing school fairs and events are organised by parents on the PTA, who are juggling a whole load of other stuff in their lives (work, home, parenting) and yet still volunteering their time and expertise to their local school. Shows such as Motherland irk me because PTAs tend to be full of (mostly) women volunteering, so the way it’s portrayed feels incredibly sexist. As though women across the country are only joining the PTA to spend their time bitching, trying to have one over on each other, or leaving catty comments in the group WhatsApp.
If a group of men were meeting up to work out a way to raise capital to float their tech company or business venture, the story told would have very few whiffs of emotion and negativity – it would simply be about them collaborating to get the job done. Why is the portrayal of PTAs so different?
I wouldn’t say that all the women I volunteer with at my local PTA are going to be my besties in the future, but neither would I say that about everyone in my office. I somehow manage to work alongside a variety of different personalities at work, so why would those skills suddenly disappear when I walk into a PTA meeting? (Although I’m not sure how on earth the PTA team deal with me – my organisational skills are shocking.)
Women who carry the mental load at home, run the house full-time, or work full or part-time are also choosing to take on the very important task of improving the school lives of their children and others. And in the outside world, they get thanked for that with eye rolls. If that isn’t sexism, I don’t know what is.
And where are the men? Women often outnumber them in PTAs. Trust me guys, if you are unsure about joining, you too have skills a PTA could benefit from. There is no such thing as a gender-based skillset, just good old-fashioned gender discrimination.
With everything else parents must try and juggle in their daily lives, for some it’s simply not possible to add volunteering into the mix. But for many parents, volunteering on your PTA is possible. Volunteering, wherever you do it, can be one of the most rewarding things in life.
So rather than sending that plea to join the PTA straight to the deleted folder, take a read. You never know the joy that could come from that – for both you and your child.
Charlene White is a presenter for ITV News and Loose Women