Getting hitched, putting the kettle on in times of crisis, shouting “whey” when someone breaks a glass in a restaurant. Oh, the strange things we do in the name of tradition.
While some of the customs we hold near and dear are relatively harmless, others fall apart under the tiniest shred of scrutiny, forcing us to consider why we ever upheld them in the first place.
Which brings me on – and I’m groaning as I write this – to the insistence on performing “Rule, Britannia!” and “Land of Hope and Glory” to mark the Last Night of The Proms.
It is so dreadfully boring to have to discuss this issue every single year. Like the debate surrounding Morris dancing and blackface and sexism, or whether or not Golliwogs are harmless cuddly toys or racist caricatures. We’ve been here too many times for people to keep clinging to the notion that these are purely the gripes of a politically correct world gone mad, or the consequences of spiralling “wokeism” from oversensitive “snowflakes”.
If, somehow, you’ve managed to avoid this discussion, the issue is as follows: each year, the BBC Proms plays out its summer season of orchestral music to these well-known anthems, favourites of some who enjoy tuning in and singing along at home. And each year, calls for that tradition to be disrupted grow louder – before they’re dismissed entirely.
In 2020, after some pressure following the global Black Lives Matter protests, which briefly saw some institutions flirt with the idea of scrutinising harmful practices that perpetuate racial inequality, the BBC walked back its decision to axe performances of the two songs – both of which had come under fire for being seen to glorify colonialism and racist nationalism.
Earlier this year, cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason, revealed on Desert Island Discs that he left last year’s Proms early after performing as a soloist, because “Rule, Britannia!” made him feel uncomfortable. Calling for a replacement, he said: “I think maybe some people don’t realise how uncomfortable a song like that can make a lot of people feel, even if it makes them [the people singing it] feel good.”
Predictably, he faced racist abuse for saying so. Many white Brits argued that the conception of both songs had nothing to do with racism, and were instead innocent emblems of patriotism, which apparently is a world apart from the former.
And now, BBC Proms controller Sam Jackson has vowed to retain the tradition of the “Rule, Britannia!” performance, despite vowing that he wants “the Proms to be a place where everyone feels welcome”.
So, let’s investigate that. The lyrics of “Rule, Britannia!”, based on Scotsman James Thompson’s 1740 poem of the same name, and set to music by English composer Thomas Arne the same year, were initially thought to have been a celebration of Britain’s union with Scotland as well as a call to the expansion of its empire, which, at the time, was lagging behind nations like Spain and Portugal in terms of world dominance.
In subsequent years, as early as the 18th century, the song grew in significance in terms of its ties to the (at the time) ever-expanding British Empire, with lyrics “Britain, rule the waves” changed to “Britain rules the waves”.
From then on, its association with nationalism has grown stronger. So strong that groups like the National Front and others on the far right have taken to defending these songs fiercely, and some have historically used it for intimidating chants during racist demonstrations against people of colour as far back as the 1970s, if not before.
I wonder why. Perhaps – shock, horror – even those who defend the anthem recognise the connection between British nationalism and racism?
And what of those who simply like the song? People who see it as part of their yearly Proms-watching rituals? Who, unlike so many of us, can divorce Britain entirely from its history and simply invoke quaint, seemingly apolitical cultural symbols when songs like “Rule, Britannia!” and “Land of Hope and Glory” – composed during the colonial period – play out? Is this simply a case of controllers simply respecting their innocent attachment to these symbols and nothing more?
I doubt it. The BBC knows its viewership intimately. Regardless of whether clinging to this tradition is malicious or innocent (or ignorant, depending on who you ask), these are the people who will tune in, year in, year out, to make the programme even more of a success. Who will clamour for the chance to be allocated a ticket by ballot to Last Night of the Proms. Who will make a point of tuning in to the last night simply to stick it to those who keep trying to ruin their beloved traditions. Their interests will continue to be protected regardless of how a few communities of colour feel. Nothing about that is remotely surprising.
The Proms can try to disassociate from the new lease of life racists have afforded these songs over the past century if it wishes, but it won’t change what has already transpired and what many – right-wing nationalists included – recognise as a call to the return of a whiter, globally dominant Britain.
If Jackson prefers to die on that hill and ignore history, he can. But to claim it remains and has always been an entirely benign tradition is disingenuous.