Thirty-five years ago I graduated from university, having had a wonderful time of parties, pubs, boys, beach, friends and fun. Oh, and I actually liked studying. So I just stayed in academia and have been there ever since, for the past 20 years at the University of Surrey.
I’ve now had a great career as an academic and have felt privileged to teach my students, play with ideas and write books and papers on things that interest me. But over the past 10 years, universities have changed, particularly my own, and the higher education sector is a mess due to underfunding, overspending and wilful forgetting of what we are for – we are HE with an “E” for a reason after all. I have seen a change in students, my colleagues and management.
I am a psychologist and our students have always tended towards the anxious and perfectionist. I have often walked an upset student to the wellbeing centre, stepped from lecturer to counsellor and met many parents at graduation who were eternally grateful their child had made it through.
But paying fees and then Covid have brought a change for the worse. During lockdown, screens were off due to no make-up/pyjamas/bad hair and being tucked up in bed. After lockdown, this turned into poor attendance rates, fear of social spaces and a reluctance to speak in class. Students put an awful lot of pressure on themselves to get a first and, when they do get one, some even ask why they didn’t get a higher first (72 per cent is no longer enough).
I’ve been asked for trigger warnings for lectures already called “eating behaviour” or “obesity”, watched students introduce themselves to their peers on day one of semester one as having mental health issues and observed students overthinking every task and checking every detail as they lose faith in their choices and our marking.
But I have always loved teaching and felt fortunate that my job keeps me in contact with young people who make me laugh and keep me (almost) in touch with a changing world. The majority of my students are fabulous and, if they struggle at times, it genuinely is not their fault as they are products of the epidemic, their parents (my generation!), social media and all the other pressures of their generation.
My colleagues have also changed. Again, mine have been generally fabulous and I have worked with so many committed, clever, funny and interesting people over the years who have valued community and the collective spirit. Marking is hell, and always will be, but knowing that your colleagues are in the same boat makes it that bit more tolerable.
But now some lecturers opt not to teach (the word is lecturer!) and are no longer part of the gang. And while I feel they are missing out on the chat of academia, we watch as they get rewarded for bringing in grants for their research and, suddenly, marking becomes even more of a chore when you know some people never do it. The focus is on individual careers, research money and CVs, so the common room stays empty as people are “too busy” or feel too guilty for a break.
So what about management? Apart from the tiny minority, most managers have not been fabulous at all. Managers, now called, at their own request, “leaders”, have always been what I call “willy wavers”. I used to keep my head down and ignore them until they moved on to their next promotion, but over the past 10 years the willy waving has become more destructive for the rest of us.
It is well known that management attracts those who shouldn’t go into management and universities are no exception. Just because you are good at research, that doesn’t make you capable of managing a university. I’ve also come across those who were not that great at either research or teaching and who don’t seem to be able to manage either. But they all really do want to be a “leader”. So we get building sprees of new accommodation, new labs and new office spaces that look good on the open day video.
We get legacy projects of doubling numbers, new programmes, new departments and we have recruitment drives for new super stars that look good on their CVs and LinkedIn profiles. And we get fantastical overestimations of international student numbers to justify it all.
Then all of sudden we get job cuts as they realise there’s no money to staff any of this.
Some of this problem is due to the way we are funded. Tuition fees in England have been frozen at £9,250 since 2017 (following a small rise from the 2012 level of £9,000), leading to a growing reliance on international students, who typically pay double the fees of domestic students, to balance the books.
While money from foreign students previously helped to fund research, it now often bolsters the shortfall on domestic undergraduate tuition, with international student fees now accounting for around a fifth of universities’ income. But some of this problem is also due to how this limited income has been spent.
And that’s where we are at now. People are being pressurised into “voluntary” redundancy or brutally told they have been severed. We’ve even had the auto lists blocked to stop us communicating with each other.

I once asked one of the minority good guys: “Why do vice-chancellors [VCs] always have to make us bigger?” He laughed and said that he’d never heard a VC say “Ooh, I think I’ll just wait a while and get to know the place and see what would work best for you.”
We often talk about imposter syndrome as a bad thing. Well, I wish some people had more of it. And we talk about having vision. If vision is about aspiring to play with the big boys (in academic terms this means the Russell Group) then I wish some people had less. We need flourishing and thriving, not growth; consolidation, not endless change; and the confidence to play the game by our own rules and to our own strengths.
So why have we ended up in such a mess? People argue it’s a sector-wide problem. And it is, to the extent that the sector is run by people who shouldn’t be running it. We don’t need willy wavers more concerned about their own legacy than the institution in which they have landed between promotions.
We need those who know the strengths of the university they are in; can work with the staff they have and be prepared to see us as an asset not a cost. Then we can become the best we can be, not limp along trying to be something we are not.
But it is also a funding problem. Once we were launched into the marketplace where students paid their own fees and universities had to fundraise, it all changed. Students were sold the idea that tuition fees were for their tuition and not for the parties, pubs, friends and fun that we had all had. So they became anxious about debt, worried about their futures and focused more on their grades than the wider experience of all that university life could offer.
Colleagues were managed by a new reward system that valued input (money) over output, teaching or community. They became fearful for their jobs and the focus on education, creativity and interesting research was replaced by grants for their own sake, spin-off companies and guessing what the next assessment exercise would value.
And the managers had a smaller budget to work with and students and grants to attract. So they built flashy buildings, launched headline-grabbing projects and became obsessed with climbing league tables rather than finding their niche and sitting in it.
I am 58 now. They want me to leave to be replaced by cheaper labour (and by someone who doesn’t write things like this). I am fed up with watching managers mess up a world I love, but I’m not ready to go yet and am still quite good at my job.
Is it that difficult? At the end of the day, it must just be a matter of money in and money out. So we need some more money in and less willy waving in the way we spend it. Then we can get back to the task in hand and deliver higher EDUCATION in the way we are supposed to.
A spokesperson from the university responded: “Our university is not immune to the unprecedented financial pressures facing the UK’s higher education sector, including high inflation, high energy costs, the sustained devaluation of tuition fees and the recent decline in international student numbers.
“We’re taking a focused and nuanced approach to tackling these sector-wide challenges at Surrey, with our approach designed to minimise the impact on our people and our core mission.”