Get creative
“As children, we are born creatives. We model clay, paint, draw, sing, dance, play make-believe. As adults, we are led to believe that if we aren’t good enough to make a career out of it, it’s not worth doing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Creativity is innate in all of us; try not to be your own worst critic. As grown-ups, we’re too outcome-driven – so put that aside and enjoy the process.”
Nick Ede and Donna Easton, happiness experts and founders of Joyfulness
Break the rules
“We often fear the consequences of making choices solely for ourselves. But living by the rules is not only overrated, it can also be detrimental to our mental health and overall sense of self. Try to make bold choices and proceed until apprehended. See how often you actually get ‘stopped’. You’ll likely find it happens far less than you expect. Worrying about potential repercussions is often wasted energy. Breaking rules can bring immense joy, especially when those rules are arbitrary.”
Annalie Howling, trauma specialist and mental health expert
Fake a laugh
“Laughter, even simulated laughter, triggers the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are our body’s natural feel-good chemicals, acting like tiny mood elevators. Laughter can also help to release stress through an increase in heart rate and blood flow, similar to exercise. Afterwards, the body relaxes, lowering stress hormones and leaving you feeling calmer. Furthermore, faking a laugh activates similar facial muscles as real laughter, which can signal to the brain that you’re experiencing joy, giving you an unconventional moment of happiness.”
Awa Njie, senior wellbeing practitioner at mental health charity Living Well UK
…or a smile
“Did you know that smiling can trick your brain into happiness? The act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your emotional state. So try smiling at yourself in the mirror, smile at your colleagues and family and see how it makes you feel. It is so simple, yet so effective.”
Alison Goolnik, integrative psychotherapist at Therapyhere
Develop a meaningful mantra
“Create a personal mantra or affirmation that resonates with you. Often our joy can be sapped when we see our day through a negative lens, thinking of all the things that didn’t go well or that could have been better. Repeating your mantra as part of your morning routine can help to reframe your thoughts and set a positive tone for your day. For example, ‘I am capable’ or my personal favourite, ‘Done is better than perfect’ – it helps perfectionists reduce procrastination and feel happier with what they’ve achieved. Positive mantras can help foster a sense of inner joy and confidence.”
Natalie Englander, CBT therapist and Counselling Directory member
Stop rushing
“It might sound simple, but it really is a game-changer. When we don’t have time to add anything extra into our day, we need to work with what we already have. We are probably doing lots of things that could be bringing us joy, but we’re not feeling it because of the way we are doing them.
Rushing, not paying attention and thinking about something else means life’s joyful moments often go unnoticed. Instead, be present in the moment by focusing on the sensations, smells and sounds around you. You can integrate it into daily activities such as eating, walking or even brushing your teeth. This practice will enhance your appreciation of the simple things, and ultimately bring you more happiness.”
Natalie Englander

Take micro-adventures
“Change your route to work, try a different coffee shop, walk without music or skip that party you are too tired to attend. Buy yourself flowers, and tell a friend honestly how you are doing. How many of these mini-adventures can you squeeze into your day? These small changes can bring unexpected delight.”
Annalie Howling
Eat well
“Most people know that having a healthy diet makes them feel better. However, how you consume food and drink is crucial to how much joy you feel. No matter what you eat, you should do it mindfully, paying close attention to the taste, texture, smell and temperature of your food. Food brings us joy. So always present your food in the best way you can. Try to eat your meals at a well presented table, using your finest crockery – never save anything for best! Eat slowly and give meals your full attention. Pour your drinks (even if it’s only water) in your nicest glassware, and sip mindfully.
Dr Lynda Foulder-Hughes, psychotherapist and Counselling Directory member
Grow something
“There can be much joy when we tend to and nurture something outside of ourselves. Planting seeds or buying a small plant and watching it grow can bring lots of joy as you see something emerge in response to your care of it.”
Lisa Gunn, national mental health lead at Nuffield Health
Get colourful
Colour has the ability to change how we think, feel and behave, and is the most accessible tool we can use on a daily basis to enhance feelings of happiness. In the same way that music or meditation can shift and lift our mood, colour can alter our energy levels and create a physiological response in all of us. Yellow, for example, is the universal colour of sunshine, renewal and happiness – but each of us has a colour that triggers feelings of pure unbridled joy, a memory of contentment, peace and love.
I painted my front door in my favourite magenta pink so that I always leave the house feeling my happiest. When dealing with a family health challenge recently, I bought myself a coat in all my happiest, most vibrant colours. I would recommend anyone paint their nails, buy a lipstick or an item of clothing that they wear frequently in their most joyful colour so they get that lift regularly.”
Anna Curtis, colour expert, fashion stylist and founder of The Colour Code

Stop putting things off
“Spend five minutes a day doing something you keep putting off. Whether it is dealing with bills or cleaning, we spend a lot of time hoping things will get done by themselves. But if you take the bull by the horns and get it done, the joy you feel from completing something hanging over you is electric.”
Nick Ede and Donna Easton
Do a puzzle
“Puzzles can be rewarding, as every successful piece you place in the jigsaw releases a small amount of dopamine. For it to make more of an impact, do a real puzzle, not one on your phone.”
Lisa Gunn
Recognise what is OK
“As humans we have a negativity bias, which is useful for survival but often leaves us feeling like our glass is half-full. If we can deliberately choose to reflect on the good aspects of our lives (good friends and family or a warm home, for example), this really supports our sense of happiness and wellbeing. It is often not natural for us to do this, particularly if we are facing challenges. But the good news is that the more we practise, the more it will become a habit.”
Lucy Woods, mindfulness expert at Presence of Mind
Embrace random acts of kindness
“Random acts of kindness can significantly boost our mood. Whether it’s paying for someone’s coffee, helping a neighbour carry their shopping or leaving a cute note for a loved one, these small gestures create a sense of happiness and purpose. When wanting to bring more joy into our life, it is easy to think about ourselves, but focusing on others is a sure-fire way to release endorphins and make you feel more fulfilled. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture, just something little to brighten up someone’s day, and subsequently yours too.”
Natalie Englander

…or practise ‘kindfulness’
“Most people have heard of mindfulness: you spend a few moments a day bringing your attention to the present moment, usually by focusing on your breath. Kindfulness, on the other hand, is where at least some of the focus is on thinking kindly of others. Studies show that kindfulness practices can boost mood, help us to develop more self-compassion, improve social connections and even reduce anxiety. In effect, they make happiness and joy more accessible to us. So spend a few moments each day thinking of people in your life and mentally wish them happiness, joy, laughter, unexpected blessings or anything nice that comes to mind.”
Dr David R Hamilton, kindness scientist and author of The Joy of Actually Giving a F**k
Wake up your senses
“Think about each sense and how you can crank up the smells, tastes, sounds, sights and feelings you like. Music, candles, the clothes you wear, the first and last things you see, smell and hear at night. Be conscious of it.”
Holly Matthews, a qualified self-development coach and founder of The Happy Me Project
Focus on the now
“Stop putting off your happiness for later. We place our joy at the mercy of so many external factors and we tend to see happiness as an elusive destination. ‘I’ll be happy when I lose 10lb, when I get the job, when I own the country pad…’ Our list goes on. If we cultivate a baseline of contentment at the core of who we are, we see that the only thing we really own is right now.”
Nick Ede and Donna Easton
Keep a routine
“It is important to have some kind of daily routine. It makes us feel secure in all we do. People who tend to lack joy also have poor daily structure. Much of life’s major stresses (such as bereavement, separation, divorce, moving house or changing jobs) involve a loss of routine. Your routine should include going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time each day, so that vital sleep is not compromised, as well as exercise, mindfulness, nature and good diet. That way you will experience the joy and potential of life.”
Dr Lynda Foulder-Hughes

Curate your media consumption
“You have no idea how much this one can change your happiness levels until you try it out. Be selective about the media you consume. Limit exposure to negative news and especially social media that creates that ‘compare and despair’ response. Instead, follow accounts or watch media that promote positivity and bring you joy. By intentionally choosing your media diet, you create not only a more positive mental environment, but also an opportunity to experience more daily joy by consuming things that make you smile.”
Natalie Englander
Embrace curiosity
“Curiosity is a powerful shortcut to joy. It lifts the burdens of judgement and shame, whether directed at ourselves or others. By viewing the world through an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ lens, we can observe our actions and those of others from an external perspective, creating space and preventing anxiety from robbing us of the present moment.”
Annalie Howling
Clear your clutter
“A cluttered living or working environment is often a sign of a cluttered mind. It’s as if the two – environment and mental state – are in synch. Clearing your clutter can help clear your mind, relieve stress and make way for lighter, more positive experiences. If you are short of time, set aside a small portion of your day and clear one thing at a time. Maybe it’s your desk, maybe the utility room, perhaps it’s the clothes you haven’t tided away yet. As you declutter your environment, note how you start to feel lighter and clearer in your mind. Set time aside each day. Small steps lead to big results. In no time at all you’ll have made a big difference to your environment, and your mind.”
Dr David R Hamilton
Pay attention to how you dress
“What you wear affects how you feel. It can change your mood and how happy you feel. Choose the clothes that reflect how you want to feel – make an effort to get out of your joggers and notice the impact on your mood and energy levels.”
Woodward, positive psychology coach
Celebrate your wins
“At the end of each day, take a couple of minutes to reflect on what went well and what you achieved. It doesn’t matter how small or inconsequential they may seem, celebrate them. This has been shown to increase happiness levels by training your brain to focus on more of the positive things in your life, after which you will automatically see more of them. It also promotes feelings of accomplishment, which increases happiness levels.”
Sarah Woodward
Try something new
“It doesn’t have to be something you end up loving, it may just be a funny tale. Go unusual to mix it up; laughing yoga, body painting or a silent disco are sure to bring the silly joy. Do it for the story, if nothing else.”
Holly Matthews
Enjoy ‘me time’
“Even in the busiest household – and perhaps especially so – you should carve out 10 minutes for yourself every day. Anything from a hot shower with a beautifully fragranced product to playing music that makes you smile or reading just one chapter of a book before bed will do it.”
Learn to savour
“Joy can be sparked by the simplest things, but only if you notice and appreciate them. It might be the sound of birds singing in the morning, seeing the smile on the face of someone who loves you, hearing a piece of music, watching the sun rise or set, or the exquisite taste of some food or drink. Whenever you notice something like this, savour it to prolong the moment for as long as possible and remind yourself of why it matters to you.”
Lesley Lyle, positive psychology practitioner, laughter therapist and hypnotherapist