The dianthus family make some great evergreen, mostly grey-green-leafed small plants, but the various forms can be confusing. They are called pinks, not because they are all pink, but because the petals have serrated edges as might be produced by pinking shears.
Species pinks are grown for rock garden plants, while selected named border pinks are a very popular small but beautifully spicy, often clove-scented border and container plant. The longer-stalked dianthus make good, long-lasting cut flowers, while carnations, favoured by florists, are unscented, sprawling flowers normally grown up supports.
Border carnations and perpetual flowering carnations, taller than other dianthus, are available, the former grown outdoors with smaller flowers often in very fancy shades and patterns, and the latter usually greenhouse grown for perfect blooms, flowering even in the winter in heated greenhouses. Carnations and pinks have a devoted following of growers who exhibit fabulous blooms, grown with infinite care, in competitive events.
The old-fashioned Malmaison carnations produced highly scented peony-like blooms. These peaked in popularity in the grand houses and well-staffed hothouses of former times.
Perhaps the commonest dianthus are those sold for bedding, derived from Dianthus chinensis, sometimes crossed with sweet William (Dianthus barbatus), grown from seed and treated like an annual. They are very popular and inexpensive in garden centres, but are less hardy than the very robust alpine and border pinks and not usually kept from year to year.
Low-growing (5cm-15cm) rockery pinks include species such as the highly fragrant native (D. gratianopolitanus), alpine pink (D. alpinus), maiden pink (D. deltoides) and sand pink (D. arenarius), which come true from seed. Named selections of these are available, some of which are white, unlike the natural colours of various shades of pink. Named forms won’t come true from seed but are very widely sold. Examples, all fragrant, include “Devon Xera” red, crimson-eyed flowers, “Valda Wyatt”, double pink with darker centres, and the delectable “Gran’s Favourite” with red-purple-edged, white double flowers. These suit rockeries, raised beds, alpine tubs and troughs and make charming potted plants.
For borders, taller (40cm-50cm) plants are used (D. plumarius), but they remain vulnerable to being swamped by more vigorous perennials, so need help to hold their space. There is a bewildering number of cultivars, but most people will probably only want scented ones; “Letitia Wyatt” double pale pink, scented; “Devon Wizard” red-purple, darker base, strongly scented; “Tickled Pink” lavender flowers, spicy scent; and “Whatfield Cancan” fragrant double pink flowers. Some seed raised forms are offered, which can be an inexpensive way to build up stocks, although the named clones root easily from summer cuttings taken from non-flowering shoots.

Grow pinks in full sun and in well drained soil. Where the soil is wet and sticky clay pinks are unlikely to thrive unless grown in raised beds to enhance drainage. They resent being crowded, so ensure they have enough space. They seem to like their own company, and if funds and time allow consider growing them in groups of three or more. In a container add grit, up to 25 per cent by volume if necessary, to ensure they drain freely.
Pinks are quite drought tolerant, but need watering after planting until fully established. Afterwards water only in prolonged dry spells. Container-grown pinks need regular watering and monthly feeding in the growing season.
Deadheading in the flowering season keeps the flowers coming. Once stems are finished remove them to the base to encourage new shoots. At the end of summer clip them into a neat form.